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Reference/Neon CLI

Neon CLI commands — branches

Use the Neon CLI to manage Neon directly from the terminal

Before you begin

  • Before running the branches command, ensure that you have installed the Neon CLI.
  • If you have not authenticated with the neonctl auth command, running a Neon CLI command automatically launches the Neon CLI browser authentication process. Alternatively, you can specify a Neon API key using the --api-key option when running a command. See Connect.

The branches command

The branches command allows you to list, create, rename, delete, and retrieve information about branches in your Neon project. It also permits setting a branch as the primary branch and adding a compute endpoint to a branch. You can create a read replica by adding a read-only compute endpoint.


neonctl branches <subcommand> [options]
listList branches
createCreate a branch
resetReset data to parent
restoreRestore a branch to a selected point in time
renameRename a branch
set-primarySet a primary branch
add-computeAdd replica to a branch
deleteDelete a branch
getGet a branch


This subcommand allows you to list branches in a Neon project.


neonctl branches list [options]


In addition to the Neon CLI global options, the list subcommand supports these options:

--context-fileContext file path and file namestring
--project-idProject IDstringOnly if your Neon account has more than one project


  • List branches with the default table output format. The information provided with this output format is limited compared to other formats, such as json.

    neonctl branches list --project-id solitary-leaf-288182
     Id                     │ Name     │ Created At           │ Updated At           │
     br-small-meadow-878874 │ main     │ 2023-07-06T13:15:12Z │ 2023-07-06T14:26:32Z │
     br-round-queen-335380  │ mybranch │ 2023-07-06T14:45:50Z │ 2023-07-06T14:45:50Z │
  • List branches with the json output format. This format provides more information than the default table output format.

    neonctl branches list --project-id solitary-leaf-288182 --output json
        "id": "br-wild-boat-648259",
        "project_id": "solitary-leaf-288182",
        "name": "main",
        "current_state": "ready",
        "logical_size": 29515776,
        "creation_source": "console",
        "primary": true,
        "cpu_used_sec": 78,
        "compute_time_seconds": 78,
        "active_time_seconds": 312,
        "written_data_bytes": 107816,
        "data_transfer_bytes": 0,
        "created_at": "2023-07-09T17:01:34Z",
        "updated_at": "2023-07-09T17:15:13Z"
        "id": "br-shy-cake-201321",
        "project_id": "solitary-leaf-288182",
        "parent_id": "br-wild-boat-648259",
        "parent_lsn": "0/1E88838",
        "name": "mybranch",
        "current_state": "ready",
        "creation_source": "console",
        "primary": false,
        "cpu_used_sec": 0,
        "compute_time_seconds": 0,
        "active_time_seconds": 0,
        "written_data_bytes": 0,
        "data_transfer_bytes": 0,
        "created_at": "2023-07-09T17:37:10Z",
        "updated_at": "2023-07-09T17:37:10Z"


This subcommand allows you to create a branch in a Neon project.


neonctl branches create [options]


In addition to the Neon CLI global options, the create subcommand supports these options:

--context-fileContext file path and file namestring
--project-idProject IDstringOnly if your Neon account has more than one project
--nameThe branch namestring
--parentParent branch name, id, timestamp, or LSN. Defaults to the primary branchstring
--computeCreate a branch with or without a compute. By default, the branch is created with a read-write endpoint. The default value is true. To create a branch without a compute, use --no-computeboolean
--typeType of compute to add. Choices are read_write (the default) or read_only. A branch with a read-only compute endpoint is also referred to as a read replica.string
--suspend-timeoutDuration of inactivity in seconds after which the compute endpoint is automatically suspended. The value 0 means use the global default. The value -1 means never suspend. The default value is 300 seconds (5 minutes). The maximum value is 604800 seconds (1 week).number
--psqlConnect to a new branch via psql. psql must be installed to use this option.boolean


  • Create a branch:

    neonctl branches create
     Id                      │ Name                    │ Primary │ Created At           │ Updated At           │
     br-mute-sunset-67218628 │ br-mute-sunset-67218628 │ false2023-08-03T20:07:27Z │ 2023-08-03T20:07:27Z │
     Id                        │ Created At           │
     ep-floral-violet-94096438 │ 2023-08-03T20:07:27Z │
     Connection Uri                                                                           │
     postgres://[user]:[password]@[neon_hostname]/[dbname]                                    │


    The Neon CLI provides a neonctl connection-string command you can use to extract a connection uri programmatically. See Neon CLI commands — connection-string.

  • Create a branch with the --output format of the command set to json. This output format returns all of the branch response data, whereas the default table output format (shown in the preceding example) is limited in the information it can display.

    neonctl branches create --output json
    Example output
    "branch": {
        "id": "br-frosty-art-30264288",
        "project_id": "polished-shape-60485499",
        "parent_id": "br-polished-fire-02083731",
        "parent_lsn": "0/1E887C8",
        "name": "br-frosty-art-30264288",
        "current_state": "init",
        "pending_state": "ready",
        "creation_source": "neonctl",
        "primary": false,
        "cpu_used_sec": 0,
        "compute_time_seconds": 0,
        "active_time_seconds": 0,
        "written_data_bytes": 0,
        "data_transfer_bytes": 0,
        "created_at": "2023-08-03T20:12:24Z",
        "updated_at": "2023-08-03T20:12:24Z"
    "endpoints": [
        "host": "@ep-cool-darkness-123456.us-east-2.aws.neon.tech",
        "id": "@ep-cool-darkness-123456",
        "project_id": "polished-shape-60485499",
        "branch_id": "br-frosty-art-30264288",
        "autoscaling_limit_min_cu": 1,
        "autoscaling_limit_max_cu": 1,
        "region_id": "aws-us-east-2",
        "type": "read_write",
        "current_state": "init",
        "pending_state": "active",
        "settings": {},
        "pooler_enabled": false,
        "pooler_mode": "transaction",
        "disabled": false,
        "passwordless_access": true,
        "creation_source": "neonctl",
        "created_at": "2023-08-03T20:12:24Z",
        "updated_at": "2023-08-03T20:12:24Z",
        "proxy_host": "us-east-2.aws.neon.tech",
        "suspend_timeout_seconds": 0,
        "provisioner": "k8s-pod"
    "connection_uris": [
        "connection_uri": "postgres://alex:AbC123dEf@@ep-cool-darkness-123456.us-east-2.aws.neon.tech/dbname",
        "connection_parameters": {
            "database": "dbname",
            "password": "AbC123dEf",
            "role": "alex",
            "host": "@ep-cool-darkness-123456.us-east-2.aws.neon.tech",
            "pooler_host": "@ep-cool-darkness-123456-pooler.us-east-2.aws.neon.tech"
  • Create a branch with a user-defined name:

    neonctl branches create --name mybranch
  • Create a branch with a read-only compute endpoint (a read replica)

    neonctl branches create --name my_read_replica_branch --type read_only
  • Create a branch from a parent branch other than your main branch

    neonctl branches create --name my_child_branch --parent mybranch
  • Create a point-in-time restore branch by specifying the --parent option with a timestamp:

    neonctl branches create --name data_recovery --parent 2023-07-11T10:00:00Z

    The timestamp must be provided in ISO 8601 format. You can use this timestamp converter. For more information about point-in-time restore, see Branching — Point-in-time restore (PITR).

  • Create a branch and connect to it with psql.

    neonctl branch create --psql
  • Create a branch, connect to it with psql, and run an .sql file.

    neonctl branch create --psql -- -f dump.sql
  • Create a branch, connect to it with psql, and run a query.

    neonctl branch create --psql -- -c "SELECT version()"


This command resets a child branch to the latest data from its parent.


neonctl branches reset <id|name> --parent

<id|name> refers to the branch ID or branch name. You can use either one for this operation.

--parent specifies the type of reset operation. Currently, Neon only supports reset from parent. This parameter is required for the operation to work. In the future, Neon might add support for other reset types: for example, rewinding a branch to an earlier period in time.


In addition to the Neon CLI global options, the reset subcommand supports these options:

--context-fileContext file path and file namestring
--project-idProject IDstringOnly if your Neon account has more than one project or context is not set
--parentReset to a parent branchboolean
--preserve-under-nameThe name under which to preserve the old branchstring


neonctl branches reset mybranch --parent
 Id                       │ Name        │ Primary │ Created At           │ Last Reset At        │
 br-raspy-meadow-26349337 │ development │ false2023-11-28T19:19:11Z │ 2023-11-28T19:29:26Z │


This command restores a branch to a specified point in time in its own or another branch's history.


neonctl branches restore <target-id|name> <source>[@(timestamp|lsn)]

<target-id|name> specifies the ID or name of the branch that you want to restore.

<source> specifies the source branch you want to restore from. Options are:

  • ^self — restores the selected branch to an earlier point in its own history. You must select a timestamp or LSN for this option (restoring to head is not an option). You also need to include a name for the backup branch using the parameter preserve-under-name.
  • ^parent — restores the target branch to its parent. By default the target is restored the latest (head) of its parent. Append @timestamp or @lsn to restore to an earlier point in the parent's history.
  • source branch ID or source branch name — restores the target branch to the selected source branch. It restores the latest (head) by default. Append @timestamp or @lsn to restore to an earlier point in the source branch's history.


In addition to the Neon CLI global options, the restore subcommand supports these options:

--context-fileContext file path and file namestring
--project-idProject IDstringOnly if your Neon account has more than one project or context is not set
--preserve-under-nameName for the backup created during restore.stringWhen restoring to ^self


Examples of the different kinds of restore operations you can do:

Restoring a branch to an earlier point in its own history (with backup)

This command restores the branch dev/alex to an earlier timestamp, saving to a backup branch called restore_backup_2024-02-20

neonctl branches restore dev/alex ^self@2024-02-21T10:00:00.000Z --preserve-under-name restore_backup_2024-02-20

Results of the operation:

INFO: Restoring branch br-restless-frost-69810125 to the branch br-restless-frost-69810125 timestamp 2024-02-21T10:00:00.000Z
Restored branch
 Id                         │ Name     │ Last Reset At        │
 br-restless-frost-69810125 │ dev/alex │ 2024-02-21T15:48:05Z │
Backup branch
 Id                        │ Name                      │
 br-patient-union-a5s838zf │ restore_backup_2024-02-20 │

Restoring a branch (target) to the head of another branch (source)

This command restores the target branch dev/alex to latest data (head) from the source branch main.

neonctl branches restore dev/alex main

Results of the operation:

INFO: Restoring branch br-restless-frost-69810125 to the branch br-curly-bar-82389180 head
Restored branch
 Id                         │ Name     │ Last Reset At        │
 br-restless-frost-69810125 │ dev/alex │ 2024-02-21T15:42:34Z │

Restoring a branch to its parent at an earlier point in time

This command restores the branch dev/alex to a selected point in time from its parent branch.

neonctl branches restore dev/alex ^parent@2024-02-21T10:30:00.000Z

Results of the operation:

INFO: Restoring branch br-restless-frost-69810125 to the branch br-patient-union-a5s838zf timestamp 2024-02-21T10:30:00.000Z
Restored branch
 Id                         │ Name     │ Last Reset At        │
 br-restless-frost-69810125 │ dev/alex │ 2024-02-21T15:55:04Z │


This subcommand allows you to update a branch in a Neon project.


neonctl branches rename <id|name> <new-name> [options]

<id|name> refers to the Branch ID and branch name. You can specify one or the other.


In addition to the Neon CLI global options, the rename subcommand supports these options:

--context-fileContext file path and file namestring
--project-idProject IDstringOnly if your Neon account has more than one project


neonctl branches rename mybranch teambranch
 Id                    │ Name       │ Created At           │ Updated At           │
 br-rough-sound-590393 │ teambranch │ 2023-07-09T20:46:58Z │ 2023-07-09T21:02:27Z │


This subcommand allows you to set a branch as the primary branch in your Neon project.


neonctl branches set-primary <id|name> [options]

<id|name> refers to the Branch ID and branch name. You can specify one or the other.


In addition to the Neon CLI global options, the set-primary subcommand supports this option:

--context-fileContext file path and file namestring
--project-idProject IDstringOnly if your Neon account has more than one project


neonctl branches set-primary mybranch
 Id                 │ Name     │ Primary │ Created At           │ Updated At           │
 br-odd-frog-703504 │ mybranch │ true2023-07-11T12:22:12Z │ 2023-07-11T12:22:59Z │


This subcommand allows you to add a compute endpoint to an existing branch in your Neon project.


neonctl branches add-compute <id|name>

<id|name> refers to the Branch ID and branch name. You can specify one or the other.


In addition to the Neon CLI global options, the add-compute subcommand supports these options:

--context-fileContext file path and file namestring
--project-idProject IDstringOnly if your Neon account has more than one project
--typeType of compute to add. Choices are read_only (the default) or read_write. A branch with a read-only compute endpoint is also referred to as a read replica. A branch can have a single read-write and multiple read-only compute endpoints.string


neonctl branches add-compute mybranch --type read_only 
 Id                  │ Host                                             │
 ep-rough-lab-865061 │ ep-rough-lab-865061.ap-southeast-1.aws.neon.tech │


This subcommand allows you to delete a branch in a Neon project.


neonctl branches delete <id|name> [options]

<id|name> refers to the Branch ID and branch name. You can specify one or the other.


In addition to the Neon CLI global options, the delete subcommand supports this option:

--context-fileContext file path and file namestring
--project-idProject IDstringOnly if your Neon account has more than one project


neonctl branches delete br-rough-sky-158193
 Id                  │ Name            │ Created At           │ Updated At           │
 br-rough-sky-158193 │ my_child_branch │ 2023-07-09T20:57:39Z │ 2023-07-09T21:06:41Z │


This subcommand allows you to retrieve details about a branch.


neonctl branches get <id|name> [options]


In addition to the Neon CLI global options, the get subcommand supports this option:


--context-fileContext file path and file namestring
--project-idProject IDstringOnly if your Neon account has more than one project


neonctl branches get main
 Id                     │ Name │ Created At           │ Updated At           │
 br-small-meadow-878874 │ main │ 2023-07-06T13:15:12Z │ 2023-07-06T13:32:37Z │

A get example with the --output format option set to json:

neonctl branches get main --output json
  "id": "br-lingering-bread-896475",
  "project_id": "noisy-rain-039137",
  "name": "main",
  "current_state": "ready",
  "logical_size": 29769728,
  "creation_source": "console",
  "primary": false,
  "cpu_used_sec": 522,
  "compute_time_seconds": 522,
  "active_time_seconds": 2088,
  "written_data_bytes": 174433,
  "data_transfer_bytes": 20715,
  "created_at": "2023-06-28T10:17:28Z",
  "updated_at": "2023-07-11T12:22:59Z"

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